Community Connection is Accredited by Inform USA a professional membership association and the driving force behind Community Connection’s field of information and referral services. The standards for Accreditation cover these areas of work in our organization:
Service delivery, and the role of Community Navigators
Resource database, and the role of Data Curators
Organizational effectiveness, and the roles of administration and governance
Disaster preparedness, and our relationships with emergency management and our role in our municipal emergency preparedness plans
Cooperative relationships, and our working relationships with human service providers and larger service systems (I.E., health care, homelessness) to advance an integrated service delivery system. This work is to ensure broad access to community services, maximize the use of existing resources, and to facilitate the ability of people who need services to find the most appropriate provider easily.
Our team members work toward Certification, a professional credentialing program for individuals working within the field of information and referral.