211 Ontario
In Ontario, 211 services are operated by five independent regional service providers located in Toronto, Ottawa, Windsor, Collingwood (that’s us) and Thunder Bay.
We operate in a collective impact model, integrated through technology to enable an efficient, seamless service to Ontarians.
Ontario 211 Services is the provincial transfer payment agency for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS).
In additional to MCCSS, regional service providers are funded by municipalities and United Ways in their regions, and are engaged in their regions through local networks and community tables working on improving access to services for people.
211 Canada
Every year, 211 connects over 2 million Canadians with the help they need most. Nation-wide 211 services are operated by information and referral organizations and programs in partnership with many governments and United Way partners. In addition to the five 211 service providers in Ontario, there are 211 service providers located in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal, Quebec City and Halifax .
United Way Centraide Canada is a founding partner and holds the licensed trademark agreements will 211 service providers across Canada.
211 United States
Every year, 211 responds to more than 20 million requests for help. United Way Worldwide supports the 211 network and the hundreds of partners delivering services.